Playground and 6 month check up 🛝🩺

First off sorry I haven’t written in a while. Raising a very active toddler keeps me busy and exhausted by the time I hit the pillow. I love every minute of it though. Today I had the most wonderful experience with her. Our family went to the park and usually I watch her from the ground but today she was like come on mommy come on mommy so my new self was like you know what why not so I was climbing up and going down the slide with her and yes we went about 10 times than she wanted to walk/run around the pond trail. At this point I had to tag my husband in because I was at the gym for over an hour before this park adventure. Haha 🤣 But the simple story is today I got to be a true kid with my kid. Hahah 😂 Amazing how each day I can do more and more with her. Now I’m just waiting for her to be old enough for Disney world so we can do all the rides together 😁 6 months ago I would have never imagine going down the slide at the park. 6 months ago I felt bad I couldn’t but today I could and we gotta stay positive. 👏👏👏

Pure Joy 🤩

So I had my 6 month check up. Doctor said I’m doing great overall. I am still struggling with getting 60 G protein in a day. I really feel like lunch and dinner is the same thing since the new norm is smaller portions. I do feel I do well at the liquid part. I drink a ton of water and my 1 cup of coffee a day which he said was totally fine. I do use sugar free creamer but sometimes at lowes I use there sugar because I don’t like there creamer. But again he said I was fine. Than I’m a water holic. lol 😂 One of my co worker and I will drink a mocktail on work retreats so that’s a fun treat to. Honestly though my favorite part of the 6 months was discovering my gym work out are paying off. My arms and legs are doing fantastic and developing great. Fun fact 158 will get me out of obesity so I’m really focus on that number. It’s truly is dedication and one day at a time. Well that’s my update on me. Will try to blog sooner rather later. Thank you a million and one for the love and support 🥰🥰🥰

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