Catch air

Weeeeee šŸ˜
I did itā€¦ I did it

So today I got to experience another fun event that if I was over 300 pounds I couldnā€™t of done. I again thought I was happy as a fat girl but the more I get to do that stuff I wasnā€™t able to I see what I was missing out. Today I was also able to keep up with my 2 year old with no problems. Her and I had a blast together. It was cute when she would tell me to jump or she would jump big and go ā€œI did itā€¦I did itā€ love her so much and love making these memories together. So much more to do but right now I need to go to bed and back to work tomorrow šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

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