

I always thought I was gaining confidence when I got sober but I’m learning I was still not being my fullest. Who ever knew loosing a few pounds and so many people noticing I’d feel better at work and in my day to day. Today the sweetest thing happen at work my Lowe’s associate said there a girl who works here who really wants to meet me to talk about my surgery and weight loss but is so shy. She said she told her I was pretty friendly and open but still shy. But I went up to her today and said hey I’m Chelsea the Valspar rep and would love to sell you paint. 🎨 lol 😆 of course after the ice was broken I went into my story of my weight loss. She said I was the push she needed and last week she went to her first appointment with Dr. Richard’s. I was so excited when I heard she found my doctor so I had even more to share with her. She said she has all the pre work for insurance to do before the surgery date and it would be a few months. I told her it goes faster than you think. I told her I’d love to help support her if she needed anything. I can talk about being a food recovering addict and I shared my social media. Such a cool powerful moment. As she begins it will be so fun to watch her progress. She has 3 kids she needs to do this for and she’s just tired of feeling tired all the time. I told her I related so much but today my knee doesn’t hurt after Lowe’s concrete floors. I also have so much energy to keep up with my 2 year old. She was impressed my kid was that young. I’m like yeah I’m an older parent but she my one and only don’t want any more. I wanna do so much with her and give her the best adventures life has to offer.

So after work went to the gym. My friend Susan hurt her back (pic from another day) and the team like adore me and her. They were like we’re proud you keep coming With or without my side kick. Before weight loss journey when I went to gyms I would get so self conscious about doing machines or talk myself into ending my cardio early. Today it’s that confidence again staying committed and trucking through. Results are truly amazing. Tomorrow morning I can’t wait to weigh in. Well that’s all I got for today. Thank you again for the love and support. I’m an open book good or bad I love who I am. lol 😆 love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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