Motivating People

So I knew I was on my personal health journey but what I didn’t realize tell tonight I’m like starting a health kick movement in my social life. I meet different friends at the gym and they say “thank you for getting me back here” I have an amazing story to brag about. My friend Susan but likes to go by Bad Grandma is definitely not a young spring chicken and she is there every day with me. She even so popular by the staff she got a shout out from the gym in a post that goes all over the USA, Canada and Puerto Rico. I’m so honored to be the motivating force behind my friends. I have a buddy in Alabama starting to do crunches and lunges every night. It’s just so awesome to see all them feel good. Others who are going to the gym at all different hours. The gym is not a bad place once you get over the fact it’s work. Lol i guess the new me is accepting this to be part of my lifestyle change just like everything else. Another fun story. I went to lunch with a good mentor of mine from work who is retiring Friday and he was blown away with how little I ate vs some meals when I first started working with him. To paint the picture a little more we went to outback. Old me would eat a lot of bread. A meal with loaded mash potatoes and a salad to feel good. Ha Today I had lunch portion chicken with mushrooms and side of steam veggies. Only ate half of that. Yes it’s amazing. But it is really just feeling like the new norm and I’m adjusting better. At first it was a mental depression but I’m in acceptance. Plus seeing the change in my body and mind helps a ton. I’m honestly just taking life one day at a time. If I am motivator for weight loss surgery and exercise then that’s what God wants me to do with my blog and Instagram. Thats all I have for tonight. Thank you again everyone for the prayers, love and support. That’s my motivation the cheerleaders and of course my Ally ❤️

Love Bad Grandma ❤️
Stay hydrated 😁

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