249 and counting down…


As most holidays hit in November most people put on holiday pounds BUT not me this year. Rather dramatic opposite. I lost 65 pounds. I’m over all feeling amazing. Mentally still baffled by the fact that I cannot eat hardly anything at all. Or if I do find a bite I like I get too excited and it probably won’t stay down. Lol Therefore I am learning to train the brain to eat slow and chew more and more. They aren’t lying about that part. Story time… I was laying in bed thinking it would be fun to bring Ally tubbing in NC. I looked at the website and I got to the part with weight limit to carry you and tube up the slop 250 pounds. I wanted to have happy tears for the fact this is something I could actually do today. Amazing feeling 😁 Now I looked at the height requirement for Ally and it said 36 in. I’m not sure if she is that and will have to check. But the most coolest part is I would not have to be in the stands watching Don having all the fun with her. This is only the beginning of all the fun stuff I can do with my family. Snow Tubbing Here a link to the place I was looking at. One last story: So Christmas with the families was special and wonderful. Ally grandparents got her a balance bike. Well 3 years ago mom and dad bought me a new bike but I was too big to ride it. Weight limit was 250. After gifts I was like I’m taking my bike and ridding it. It felt glorious ridding it tell I turned and fell off. Lol 😂 I didn’t get hurt but man ridding a bike again not easy and it’s work. Hahaha but I love it and so excited to have it at my house. Super special. Well that’s all I got for now. Thanks again for the love and support. Means the world 🌎 ❤️

Our Christmas morning 🎄

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